Invoicing Timeline
Absences & Missed Sessions
Cancellations & Makeup Sessions
Remote Sessions
Our clinic invoices in advance of services. You will receive an invoice towards the middle of each month for the upcoming month of service (ex: you will receive an invoice in mid October for November services) and payments will be processed by the end of the month. Superbills (payment receipts with procedure codes and diagnostic codes) will be sent each month at the completion of services.
Group & individual sessions are most valuable when attended regularly. Our clinic calendar found here details specific closures & telehealth dates. Enrolled clients can also refer to their Theranest portals. Semesters run from early September through December and January through late June. Summer sessions run from July through August. Missed sessions will be billed as regular sessions and we do not allow for cancellations even with advance notice. We no longer credit sessions unless it is a clinician-related absence that can’t be covered or rescheduled. We offer makeup sessions during the week of June 23rd to account for one missed session during the year.
We require a two-session notice if you are withdrawing from our program. Please note that such notice of withdrawal must be received before November 1 for the Fall Semester and May 1 for the Spring Semester. Otherwise, payments will be due for the remaining sessions. Upon withdrawal, clients will not be reimbursed for any missed sessions.
On the rare occasion that a clinician is absent, we will make our best effort to offer a make-up session. Should our clinic be unable to offer a make-up session you will receive a credit for missed services. Please note our makeup session may be held via Telehealth and/or on a Friday.
Our clinic calendar lists specific dates sessions will be held on zoom. On rare occasions our team will make the decision to see clients virtually on account of holidays, scheduling conflicts or client absences. When the decision is made to hold sessions virtually this will be communicated to you with as much advanced notice as we can give. We understand that some clients may prefer to not attend zoom sessions. Please note that should you choose to not attend we will not issue a credit or refund.
Important Clinic Policies
We are a “private pay” clinic, meaning that all of our services must be paid for by the parents/guardians of the client or the adult client themselves. We do not accept 3rd party reimbursements. We recognize that obtaining insurance coverage may be a difficult process and we do what we can to make this difficult process easier.
As a courtesy, we will send a Superbill at the end of each month with a diagnostic code and treatment code which can be submitted to your insurance company for potential reimbursement.
Due to the intensive time and cost related to gathering information for an insurance claim, we will charge an administrative fee based on $50.00 per hour for any extra administrative requests which include copies of previous invoices, reports, therapy handouts, etc. We will let you know ahead of time should we be required to charge this fee. We strongly encourage families to keep copies of their invoices and any reports or written updates we send to them each month.
Social Thinking Boston uses the below procedure codes on invoices depending on the service type and clinician:
Individual Speech and Language - 92507
Group Speech and Language - 92508
Individual Counseling - 90837
Group Counseling - 90853